Monday, May 13, 2013

Your first week

Your first week of life has been filled with activities.  On Monday, May 6th (one day after being released from the hospital) you attended my final dissertation defense. I was worried about you getting hungry but you actually slept through the whole 3 hr defense.  During the week, you went to your first doctor's appt and accompanied me on several errands as I got ready for graduation.  We even went shopping for a dress on Friday.  On Saturday we attended the Latino Congratulatory Ceremony.  You slept through most of it (4 hrs) and didn't wake until the end, when I had already received my award and had gone up for my certificate with your brothers.  On Sunday morning we attended the Education Congratulatory Ceremony and you also slept through that one too till the end.  You have behaved soooo well and allowed me to be part of such important days for me.  I feel so blessed to have you as my daughter!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Your arrival!

So on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 in the afternoon I started to lose the mucus plug.  I was getting kinda excited because it meant that my body was getting ready to have you, the only thing was there was still no contractions and I still didn't know when I would have you.  On Friday morning I started feeling contractions, but nothing major.  I informed your dad and he started to get excited because we would finally be meeting you.  I told him this might be only early labor and that we still had a looooong way to go.  In the afternoon, the contractions subsided and I lost more of the mucus plug, so I thought I wasn't in labor.  At about 5:30 PM I started getting contractions again.  This time they were so strong that I had to stop whatever I was doing, so I thought this might be the real thing.  When your father got home from work I was washing and ironing clothes.  He was surprised to see me moving around since I had told him that I was having contractions but then he saw me during one and saw how painful it was and how I couldn't move during the 30-45 sec contraction.  This kept going for a while, so your father and I started cleaning up the house and making sure everything was packed for hospital. I also called the Awees to let them know that I was in what looked like early labor and for them to be ready to head to hospital in the middle of the night or early morning.  At about 8:30PM I finished ironing and decided to labor in the tub while watching the movie "Knocked Up" with your dad. At 11:30 PM, the pain was getting so bad your father thought we should start getting to hospital.  It took me what seemed like forever to get ready for the hospital because now the contractions were one on top of another, so I had no down time to get ready.  We called the Awees and told them to meet us at the hospital.  When arriving at the hospital at 12:30 AM contractions were one on top of another and the nurse told me I was 6-7 cms fully enfaced.  Your father and I were super excited that we would be meeting you soon.  I was in so much pain I didn't know if I would be able to do it, but your father was great at encouraging me and telling me how each contraction got us closer to meeting you. At 1:10 PM Dr. Trupin told me we could start pushing, I tried my best but wasn't do such a good job.  They kept telling me I was pushing in my chest and that I had to hold me breathe which I couldn't seem to do.  They said you were still really high, so I had to get in some good pushes to bring you down.  I was in so much pain I didn't think I could do it.  Both your dad and Abuela Norma were there helping me.  Awee was in the room, but did not want to be right there.  I kept trying my best and felt like I couldn't go on, but finally the doctor used a vacuum to help your arrival and you were born at 2:07 AM.  Your dad cut the umbilical cord. We were all so happy to finally have your here! You weighed 7 lbs 7 ozs and had a length of 20 inches.  You had a full set of hair and were absolutely PERFECT!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Obra de Arte Para Esme!

Buenos dia, Esme,

Entre la semana tu hermano Poncho tu escribió un cuento. Tu hermano poncho te quiere mucho especialmente porque eres una bebe niñita. Así el puedo seguir  haciendo el bebe niñito. Espero que te guste mucho la obra de arte que te dedico tu hermanito. 

Ponchito también te dibujo un castillo con una princesa. El titulo del la obra es "El Castillo de la Princesa." Poncho colgó el castillo en tu cuarto. Te va encantar el dibujo de tu hermanito! 

Te queremos mucho Esme!




Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kinda Disappointed

This past Wednesday,  April 10, 2013, your father and I had our 36 week ultrasound to see if you had finally gotten into position.  Sadly the ultrasound showed that your were still breech. It was as if you were sitting on a chair on the right side, head up, your butt towards the bottom, and your legs out straight towards the left.  We haven't been doing the breech exercises as constantly as we should so now we have started to do them all the time.  We have tried everything, continued to use the ironing board, light, putting a cold pack on the top of the uternus to get you to move away, putting warm, doing exercises on stairs face down.  It has not been fun, but your father and I are willing to try anything, since the doctor has scheduled a c-section for May 1st.  I went through a c-section with your older brother Pepito and it was a horrible experience, so I do not want a repeat.  I had imagined this being my third pregnancy that delivery would be easy.  I have been working out each day, but we you not being in position I have no choice.  You are definitely an Orozco, stubborn and want to do things your way.  We even resorted to seeing an acupuncturist today in which she showed your father our to do a Chinese technique called Moxibustion (Moxi).  This is a charcoal herb that is heated up.  We tried it today and you got super active.  The acupuncturist said we had to do it for 5 days and that hopefully you would turn.  She says it has moved everytime she has done it, except once, so we are hopefully.  Tonight you have been super active, kicking super hard, your father thinks that you might be in position b/c the movements you are giving are really hard!

Getting Ready

Your father and I have been hard at work getting everything ready for your arrival!  A couple of weeks ago Awee came over to help put up the stickers on the wall for decoration.  Your older brother Pepito was a huge help.  He wanted to be the one to put them up.  Your brother Poncho helped out for about 5 minutes and then was done.  Last weekend, you father spend the whole weekend building your crib, dressers, and pack n play.  I think we are finally about ready, just have to wait until u decide to come!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lo que me toca hacer!

Cuando fuimos a nuestra cita el 6 de febrero podemos verte.  La enfermera nos dijo que estabas saludable pero en posición "breech," que significa que estamos cabeza arriba en vez de cabeza abajo. Todavía estaba temprano pero pronto ibas a necesitar cambiar para abajo.  Para ayudar el proceso me dieron un ejercicio para hacer en lo cual necesita esta yo cabeza abajo para 10-15 minutos cada día.
Entonces lo que yo hacia era poner la tabla de planchar sobre el sofa y me costaba sobre ella.  Tu papá el tocaba aguantarme porque me resbalaba. También le tocaba llevar el tiempo porque no me podía aguantar más de 10 minutos, no me gustaba para nada.  No lo hicimos todos los días pero si unas pocas veces.

Ahora ya tengo 34 semanas y he tenido muchos diferentes dolores.  Tu papá y yo pensamos que estas cabeza abajo pero no estamos seguros.  Nosotros sentimos que tu enpujas pero no sabemos si es tu pie, tu mano, tu codo, tu rodilla, o que?=)

Este domingo cuando fuimos a la iglesia me paso un susto.  Esa mañana tuve unos dolores creo que "Braxton Hicks" pero cuando me levante mi estomago estaba haciendo un sonido raro, un "gurgling sound"pensé que a lo mejor se me estaba saliendo el liquido, amniotic fluid.  Entonces me puse a buscar en google y encontré que lo más seguro era que habias bajado y ahora tenia organ displacement en lo cual tu estabas moviendo mis órganos para arriba.  Por lo menos no era nada raro!

No puedo creer que solo falta 6 semanas para que llegues.  Me recuerdo cuando era más que 30.  En realidad me gustaría que llegues temprano porque te queremos conocer y porque la semana de mayo 9 va ser una locura.  Ahora mismo tengo la defensa de mi tesis el 6 de mayo y graduacion el 11 y 12 de mayo.  Lo más importante se que tu salgas saludable entonces dios solo sabe cuando saldrás.

Long time. . .

Entonces tu papá y yo no hemos escritó en mucho tiempo.  Nuestras vidas han sido una locura.  Yo consigue un nuevo trabajo para el próximo año para ser profesora en Illinois State University que significa que necesito graduarme este año.  Entonces estoy escribiendo la tesis.  El horario que tu y yo llevamos es que nos dormimos a las 7:30 PM, después de acostar a tus hermanos y nos levantamos a las 2AM, trabajamos hasta las 5 AM cuando vamos a gimnasio. Tu papá ha estado estudiando fuertemente para sus quals.  El tomo el primer qual marzo 15 y ahora mismo se alista para el segundo que será este abril 5.  Tu haz estado crecido mucho.  Cada vez que voy al doctor dice que todo esta normal.  La doctora hasta me dice su "A+ patient" porque nunca tengo problemas entonces nuestras citas son rápidas.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Are We Ready for the Crying?!?!


While in Disney World, Ponchito overheard a baby girl crying at the top of her lungs. He turned to me and with a look of vanquish and simply stated, "Asi va ser Esme. Ella va estar llorando todo el tiempo. Que vamos hacer?" (That's going to be Esme. She is going to be crying all the time. What are we going to do?) I responded cheerfully, "Pues la vamos a querer muchisimo porque ella es nuestra bebe." Ponchito cheered up and agreed. Although Ponchito voiced his concern, I have no doubt that he is going to love and care deeply for you. Occasionally, we might have to remind him, and ourselves, that you are a baby and crying is how you communicate that you are hungry, tired, sad, soiled, or even restless. No matter what--we are exciting to welcome you to our family, even if it consists of periodic crying.

Con amor y carino,


Disney World--A Magical Place

Disney World--A Magical Place!

Querida, Esme,

Last week Mama, Pepito, Poncho, Papa, y tu fuimos ha Disneyworld. We had such a magical time! Although you haven’t been born, we felt your presence and we constantly thought of what amusement rides, Disney characters, and live performances you would enjoy doing. Your older brothers were adamant that you would love the Little Mermaid. On our second day, in fact, we ended up seeing the “Voyage of the Little Mermaid” at Disney’s Hollywood Studios because Pepito y Poncho were determine to incorporate an activity that you be thrilled to watch. Both of your brothers were incredibly thoughtful to integrate elements that you would enjoy doing. The boys were even flagging down toys, outfits, and stuffed animals for you. We will most definitely be taking a trip back to Disney World especially when you are big enough to enjoy the endless rides, Disney characters, and live amusement at Disney World. We are so eager to finally meet you, so we can shower you with love and mimos--te amamos muchisimo!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

febrero 6-ultrasonido

We had an ultrasound today and we were so happy to be able to see you.  You were too cute lying with your hand next to your face.  You are growing so fast, already weighing 2 lbs 3 ozs.  You also have your own personality, deciding you prefer to be in breech position.  Now Mom gets to do special exercises to get you to turn around.  Hopefully you will cooperate!  I can't believe we still have over 3 months to go.  We want to meet you already, but know you are not ready, so I will try my best to be patient.

Enero 31, 2013- 26 semanas

 Como puedes ver, ya estoy grandisima y todavia faltan más de 3 meses! Your brothers loves talking to you through the belly.  They ask me what you say back to them and I tell them that you say you love them.

Yo pense cuando me dijeron que eres niña que ibas hacer calmada pero de lo que veo vas hacer muy activa como tu mamá.=) At night, you like to kick and poke me like crazy.  In the mornings, when I go to the gym, you move around as if you are working out with me.  It is super cute!

I don't know why I thought you will be a calm little girl, when I wasn't.  I was super active and always ran with the boys.  I always had some sort of scrape or injury from playing to hard, so I wouldn't be surprised if you were the same way.  However you turn out you will be your own person with your own personality and beautiful in your own right! We are soooo excited to meet you!

Your dad and I have started playing music for you, of course it's music like bachata, vallenato, cumbia, etc.  You try to kick the headphones!  And when I remove the headphones after a while you go crazy moving around and kicking, as if to say HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MUSIC! =) Tu papá cree que te va a gustar bailar como mamá.

El Cumpleaños de Mamá

Tus hermanos son unos artistas! Para mi cumpleaños cada uno de ellos mi hizo un cuadro.  Pepito hasta de vez en cuando dibujo demasado, lo hace cuando estoy dando instrucciones en clase entonces se mete en problemas.=)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Enero 11 del 2013- cita medica

We had our monthly OB appointment today—y era un espetaculo! Esme was restless throughout the appointment. You were a dancing machine! The nurse kept repositioning the handheld heart monitor because she was unable to continuous monitor your heart rate because you would move to a different place in mama’s tummy. Pepito shared that you didn’t like the heart monitor so you kicked it and moved around to avoid it. Pepito te quiere mucho y te va cuidar! Estas lista para tener un hermano major que te va ha sobre protejer?

Since you kept moving around the hear monitor, the nurse finally elected to give us a heart beating range. And she shared that you were very healthy especially given your heighten activity. We are truly blessed!

We also went shopping for baby items. We headed to Toys-R-Us and went on a shopping spread! We got you a Chicco Pack and Play set, Mini City stroller, Chicco Key Fit 30, and a Greco Snuggle Bunny swing. As always, Mama extensively researched highly regarded baby products by parents. Her thorough research really streamlined the shopping and we picked up the best for you! Te queremos mucho Esme!

Mama has also started conceptualizing your room. The theme of your room will be cherry blossom. Cherry blossoms represent power and beauty in China. In Japan, cherry blossoms represents a life cycle. Mama loves the idea cherry blossoms signifying power because she wants you to blossom into a powerful independent woman. Mama and Pepito also fell in love with cherry blossoms while we were visiting Japan during Semester at Sea. You are going to love your room and the symbolism it will represent.

Navidad Diciembre 24 del 2013

Esme today is truly your first Navidad with Mama y Papa! And you were definitely the star of the night with Santa. You received several adorable outfits and a piggy bank. Mom is excited to finally be able to buy some cute girly outfits! The piggy bank was given to you by your Awees. Mama y yo have to start saving money for your education and incredible traveling journeys around the world. We are going to encourage you to explore the world and learn from the all incredible sights, smells, languages, and cultures around us. Te queremos mucho---we are eagerly looking forward to your first Navidad outside mama’s tummy.